Q-Free is awarded Miami Dade Expressway (MDX) contract renewal
Q-Free has been awarded a contract renewal by Miami Dade Expressway (MDX), Miami, Florida, covering five years of service for Q-Free’s Intrada® Insight video-based toll transaction image review system. The agreement also includes a provision for three one-year extensions beyond the base term.
MDX contracted with Q-Free in 2013 to deploy and support a toll transaction processing capability that ensured highly-accurate (low error rate) processing of MDX video-based toll transactions. Q-Free’s Intrada® Insight solution is currently processing these transactions in a large quantity environment at accuracy rates exceeding 99.95% (less than 0.05% error rate). A large majority of these highly-accurate results are automated transactions obtained by Q-Free’s best-in-class automation tools embedded in the Insight solution. Together with its tightly integrated and industry unique manual image review process, the Intrada® Insight solution offers toll agencies significant savings in overall operational expense (OPEX savings) when compared to more traditional image review systems.
“We are excited to continue our partnership with the Miami Dade Expressway, providing our industry leading image-based tolling solution and related services to support the MDX electronic toll collection program. This has been a terrific working relationship and the results are proof of the tremendous teamwork displayed by all parties involved in this endeavour,” comments Christopher Melton, Managing Director of the North American Tolling and Inter-Urban divisions in Q-Free.