Intrada News

Identify All Vehicles from any Application, Device, and Location
Identify and recognize all vehicles with unmatched accuracy in the most challenging of conditions! Vehicle identification and license plate recognition is a useful application in any of your intelligent road user identification product. Switch to frictionless customer convenience and add all the operational benefits to your business. Video-based recognition is the definitive method to determine, …

4 Things to Consider in Road User and Vehicle Recognition
Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) is not the only technology available for vehicle recognition or vehicle detection. In road user charging applications, such as tolling, weight-in-motion, and environmental zones, RFID tags are also a commonly used technology. In access control applications such as parking ticketed or card-based systems are still prevalent. Each has its merits …

Q-Free Netherlands B.V. receives the ISO 27001 Certificate
Q-Free Netherlands B.V. is pleased to announce the implementation of an Information security management system and receiving the ISO 27001 certificate. Q-Free Netherlands B.V. is responsible for the complete Intrada image review product portfolio including Intrada ALPR and Intrada Insight. The certification formalizes the processes and systems used to minimize data loss and maintaining confidentiality, …

White Paper: Comparing Operational Costs of Image Review Systems
Our latest white paper explains our cost quantification model for image review systems. The model highlights the importance of low error rates to minimize operational expenses and shows the effects of balancing reliable, accurate, automation with manual review. Furthermore, it provides a transparent way for operators and integrators to compare operational costs of image review …

Case Study: Tunnel Tolling on the Faroe Islands
Tunnel tolling on the Faroe Islands is a prime example of video tolling excellence. Q-Free is proud to work with Formula IT and Tunnil to deliver high-performance roadside and centralized 100% video tolling solution with manual image review. Read our use case here

ALPR for Congestion Charging
Congestion charging is a proven method to reduce traffic. IBM – a contractor to Q-Free in several projects – gives some fascinating insight into the Stockholm congestion charging project at Q-Free is proud to deliver tolling technology, including world-leading Automatic Licence Plate Recognition (ALPR), to support reducing congestion in urban areas. Both our Intrada …

Clean Air Zone and Congestion Charging
Q-Free was mentioned by Bloomberg LP ( as a prime supplier of solutions for reducing congestion and improving air quality. Q-Free’s Intrada ALPR and Intrada Synergy Server are used as a proven technology for this proven concept and have been deployed in Asia, North America, and Europe. Check out the complete Q-Free offering and references …

Ybern innovation being used in COVID safe ticketless parking
Wollongong company Ybern is one of a growing number of Illawarra businesses doing more work in Sydney. And in the process helping people feel safe during COVID-19. On September 3 the Wollongong manufacture, design, and installation company Ybern celebrated the opening of its sixth ticketless car park in North Sydney. The 550 space Ward Street …

Multi-Platform Deployment for Intrada ALPR .NET
You can now use the convenience of the .NET environment with Intrada ALPR on any platform. Recently we released Intrada ALPR .NET for Core .NET to offer support for Linux, Windows and MacOS on many different architectures though the same interface. This means you can use the same code base, our .NET ALPR library with …

Case Study: Free-Flow Tolling for Thailand
Open barrier, single-lane free-flow tolling with Intrada® Synergy Server provides excellent return of investment. Q-Free Intrada Synergy Server with Intrada ALPR and fingerprinting recognition technology pave the way for video-based multi-lane free-flow tolling system (MLFF) in Bangkok. About Free-Flow tolling Thailand has a 10-year infrastructure plan that includes implementing more than 3,000 km of toll-financed …