Intrada News

Case Study: Norwegian Public Roads Administration
High-performance ALPR and manual image review service improve automation and accuracy across country’s five regional toll roads. In 2019, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration procured an on-premise license plate review solution to improve the automation and accuracy with which the region’s five toll roads could identify and bill toll road users. About NPRA The Norwegian …
Q-Free Develops Vehicle Analysis for ALPR Portfolio
OSLO, Norway, 20 May 2020 – Q-Free (OSE: QFR), a global leader in mobility solutions for smart city infrastructure, today announced the company is developing improved vehicle analytics and detection for its automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) technology that identifies vehicle class, color, make/model (MMR), and which side of the vehicle is being analyzed. The …

Q-Free to Improve Automation and Drive Down Costs on Massachusetts Toll Roads
Unique, risk-free contract for Intrada Insight will reduce costs for MassDOT by increasing automatic license plate recognition rates. CARLSBAD, California, 5 May 2020 – Q-Free (OSE: QFR), a global leader in mobility solutions for smart city infrastructure, has entered into an agreement with Raytheon Intelligence & Space, a developer of advanced sensors, training, and cyber …

Q-Free Intrada ALPR for .NET
“When taking your leap of faith developing a new ALPR-enabled product you would like to spend wisely and keep options open. Will the solution ring with the customer base? Does ALPR add value to the solution? What if rapid scaling is required? How do we keep promises on performance across state borders? Is this the …
Q-Free ALPR technology to reduce agency costs and improve 230 miles of Texas toll roads
Intrada Synergy Server’s highly-accurate image processing to optimize statewide tolling September 5, 2019 – Q-Free (OSE: QFR), a global leader in mobility solutions for smart city infrastructure, announced that its Intrada® Synergy Server (ISS) vehicle identification and automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) system was selected as part of multi-vendor IBM statewide upgrade to the Texas Department …
Tolling Contract in Florida
Q-Free has been selected to assist a tolling operator in Florida to improve license plate video toll collection reading accuracy and reduce video toll collection costs. Under the 3-year contract, Q-Free will provide its state-of-the-art Intrada image processing system. The contract has a value of approximately 25 MNOK. Q-Free’s Intrada© Insight Server (ISS) employs advanced …

Q-Free to install tolling solution in Norway
The 5 regional toll companies in Norway have awarded Q-Free the national contract for Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR). The ANPR service (Intrada Synergy Server) shall be implemented as part of the new system solution for toll charging in Norway. The contract will last for 5 years and is planned to start this fall. In …

Q-Free is awarded Miami Dade Expressway (MDX) contract renewal
Q-Free has been awarded a contract renewal by Miami Dade Expressway (MDX), Miami, Florida, covering five years of service for Q-Free’s Intrada® Insight video-based toll transaction image review system. The agreement also includes a provision for three one-year extensions beyond the base term. MDX contracted with Q-Free in 2013 to deploy and support a toll …

Vacature Software Engineer Q-Free Nederland B.V.
Q-Free Netherlands B.V. in Beilen ontwikkelt softwaremodules voor automatische kentekenherkenning (ALPR) die over de hele wereld gebruikt worden in verkeerssystemen zoals parkeergarages, trajectcontroles en tolwegen. Om ons te helpen wereldwijd voorop te blijven lopen met onze technologie, zoeken we naar een nieuwe software engineer.