Tag: feature

Multi-Platform Deployment for Intrada ALPR .NET
You can now use the convenience of the .NET environment with Intrada ALPR on any platform. Recently we released Intrada ALPR .NET for Core .NET to offer support for Linux, Windows and MacOS on many different architectures though the same interface. This means you can use the same code base, our .NET ALPR library with …
Q-Free Develops Vehicle Analysis for ALPR Portfolio
OSLO, Norway, 20 May 2020 – Q-Free (OSE: QFR), a global leader in mobility solutions for smart city infrastructure, today announced the company is developing improved vehicle analytics and detection for its automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) technology that identifies vehicle class, color, make/model (MMR), and which side of the vehicle is being analyzed. The …

Q-Free Intrada ALPR for .NET
“When taking your leap of faith developing a new ALPR-enabled product you would like to spend wisely and keep options open. Will the solution ring with the customer base? Does ALPR add value to the solution? What if rapid scaling is required? How do we keep promises on performance across state borders? Is this the …